
This series reflects the journey of taking risks, stepping out into the unknown, and finding clarity upon returning home.


Canopies reflects the trees that surrounded my childhood. However, it wasn’t until I returned home after my own adventures away that I truly noticed them. They were exactly the same as when I left, and their steadfastness helped me realize how much I had changed. Painting this series became a meditative reflection. I used color, repetition, perspective, scale, experimentation, and spontaneous brushmarks to speak to the possibility, freedom, clarity, and understanding I had gained in returning to these trees.

These are meant to be viewed in person, however, the in person show experience has since past. The scale of these paintings are relevant to the viewer and place distance (or not) between them and the subject. It is my hope that you would find your own sense of clarity in them… either to reflect upon your recent homecoming, or to dare you to step out into your next adventure.

all work is oil on canvas




Easel on Stribling